
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - The Verdi union is calling for employees in the North Rhine-Westphalian retail sector to increase their income by 4.5 percent plus 45 euros per month.

In addition, she wants to enforce a minimum wage of 12.50 euros per hour in collective bargaining.

The tariff commission decided on Tuesday, said Verdi.

The union had terminated the collective bargaining agreements for the approximately 513,000 persons subject to social security contributions and the approximately 212,000 marginal part-time employees in the retail trade in North Rhine-Westphalia on April 30th.

Sales in the retail sector in North Rhine-Westphalia rose by 4.0 percent in real terms last year, despite the pandemic, emphasized Verdi negotiator Silke Zimmer.

"This increase in sales is by no means exclusively due to mail-order and online sales."

Sales in stationary retail also rose by 2.5 percent after adjustment for price.

Verdi again called on employers to jointly declare the collective agreements of the retail trade to be generally binding.

This is intended to act against wage dumping in the industry.

For companies bound by collective bargaining agreements in economic difficulties, Verdi wants to “achieve solutions to secure the future and employment through differentiated company collective agreements”.


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