
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - On average, women in Hamburg still earn significantly less than men.

The income gap, the so-called gender pay gap, remained unchanged compared to 2019 at 21 percent, as the North Statistics Office announced on Tuesday.

That is three percentage points more than the national average, which has fallen by one point to 18 percent.

However, special effects due to the widespread short-time work in the pandemic could have had an impact.

According to this, women in Hamburg earned an average of EUR 20.80 gross per hour last year - and thus EUR 5.58 less than men who received an average of EUR 26.38 for their work.

In the neighboring state of Schleswig-Holstein, the income gap was significantly lower at 13 percent - although the average hourly wage of women in Hamburg is still higher than that of men (20.15 euros) in the north.

March 10th is the international day of action for equal pay for women and men (Equal Pay Day).

The majority (68 percent) of the difference in earnings between men and women in Hamburg has structural reasons - for example, because women are more likely to work in poorly paid jobs and less often to reach management positions.

They also work part-time and mini-jobs more often.

But even with the same job and comparable qualifications, women still earn 7 percent less money than their male colleagues, according to statisticians.

However, only values ​​for 2018 were available here.


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