
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - The building trade association Saxony-Anhalt expects significantly higher construction costs.

The reason given by association president Peter Nitschke on Tuesday in Magdeburg was the sharp rise in prices for building materials since the beginning of the year.

Reinforcing steel was 10.2 percent more expensive from December to January, and insulation materials for facades cost a good 25 percent more than in December.

Suppliers have also announced significant price increases for building materials such as wood or basic sewer pipes.

Among other things, Nitschke cited the limited delivery capacities of Chinese steel manufacturers as the reason.

The fact that demand is picking up in China itself is reflected in a significant increase in steel prices.

But there are also price increases for regional products such as wood and gravel.

If native trees were felled due to drought or bark beetle infestation, they would no longer be suitable as construction timber, and wood would increasingly have to be obtained from the international market.

There, however, the construction boom in the USA is causing prices to rise.

The development of new gravel deposits in Germany is also becoming more difficult because of the environmental regulations, which reduces the supply.

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