In the spotlight: political earthquake in Brazil

Former Brazilian President Lula will be able to participate in the next presidential election.


Text by: Stefanie Schüler Follow

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Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva is eligible again and will be able to participate in the presidential election next year.

Edson Fachin, a Supreme Court judge, ruled that the Curitiba court was not competent to try the former president.

Lula is not cleared, since a federal court in Brasilia will resume the four trials.

But by then he recovers his political rights.

Is he back?

 », Asks

O Dia

this morning.

The newspaper recalls that the federal prosecutor can appeal this decision.

A courageous judgment, believes for its part the

Folha de São Paulo.

The corruption cases raised by the trials against Lula are real,

 " writes the daily.


order not to increase the discredit of the judiciary, these cases must be judged according to the laws in force


The conservative newspaper

O Estado

accuses the outgoing president of being primarily responsible for this possible return of Lula on the Brazilian political scene: “ 

By continually mocking the problems of the country and the health of Brazilians, Bolsonaro has recreated the monster (understand Lula) who has already tormented our country too much

 ”estimates the columnist.

In the columns of

O Globo,

several political analysts agree that “ 

Lula's resurrection falls right at the time when Jair Bolsonaro is more vulnerable than ever.

Confronted with numerous crises for which the Brazilians hold him responsible, the outgoing president is only 28% favorable


And yet, underlines the daily, “ 

a victory for Lula is anything but acquired.

His chances of winning will depend on his political position

 , ”say the experts.


If Lula leads a radical left-wing campaign, he will struggle to win.

If, on the other hand, he places himself in the center, he could deal a terrible blow to Jair Bolsonaro


Bolivia: electoral defeat for the socialists

In Bolivia, the final results of the regional and municipal elections last Sunday are still not known.

But one thing is emerging more and more clearly: the MAS, the Movement towards Socialism, the party of the current president and founded by his predecessor Evo Morales, suffered a crushing defeat.

As the newspaper

Correo del Sur


, "the

opposition is leading in the four main cities of the country, La Paz, Santa Cruz, Cochabamba and El Alto


And " 

El Alto is quite a symbol

 ", underlines for its part the daily

La Razon.

Since this is " 

one of the political strongholds of the MAS."

The leadership of the Movement towards Socialism has also recognized errors in the choice of its candidates.

The members of the party demand that those in charge draw the consequences and resign

 ”, reports the newspaper.

For the daily

Los Tiempos

, the voters sent a clear signal: these days, in the midst of a health crisis, we must overcome the ideological divisions that cross Bolivia.

No more political quarrels, it's time for pragmatism.


I do not know if the vaccine which will immunize us will be brought by the socialist president, or a governor of the right or our mayor.

And it doesn't matter to me, I just need to know that the vaccine will arrive for my family and me

 ”, explains the columnist who concludes:“ 

The result of the elections seems to show that we are on the way to becoming a other country


United States: Covid-19 death toll down and official recommendations for vaccines established

In the United States, this is encouraging news: for the first time in months, the death toll from Covid-19 has fallen below the thousand a day mark.

In the past 24 hours, 749 Americans have died across the country from the virus.

Much less than the 4,473 deaths recorded by John Hoppkins University on January 12.

And it is in this context that the American health authorities yesterday presented long-awaited recommendations to answer this question that many ask: how to behave when you are vaccinated?

Vaccinated Americans: Let Unmasked Gatherings Begin Again (But Slowly)

 ", headlines the

New York Times

in response


The health authorities indeed announced yesterday that people vaccinated against Covid-19 could meet together in small groups indoors without wearing a mask and without respecting physical distancing

 ", reports the newspaper.


They can also meet without a mask with unvaccinated people from only one other household at a time.

On the other hand, those vaccinated should continue to follow health measures in public spaces and continue to avoid travel and large gatherings


The American authorities therefore advocate caution.

And " 

this while more than 60 million Americans have received at least one dose of a vaccine

 ", details the

New York Times


The daily stresses the importance of these recommendations.

According to the Federation of American Psychologists, " 

about half of all adults are anxious about returning to normal life, including 44% of those who have been vaccinated



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  • Newspaper

  • Brazil

  • Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva