
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - Chickens in North Rhine-Westphalia laid slightly fewer eggs in 2020 than in the previous year.

The number fell by just under 1 percent to 1.39 billion, as the State Statistical Office IT.NRW announced on Tuesday.

The majority of the eggs - just under 73 percent - came from free-range farming.

This means large stalls in which there must be at least one square meter of space for nine hens.

Almost a tenth of the eggs were produced in free range.

The animals also live in stables, but also have at least four square meters of exercise space per animal.

In organic farming - six hens per square meter plus the outdoor area - a good 8.3 million eggs were produced.

That corresponds to 6 percent of the total production.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210309-99-747543 / 2

German laying hen keepers on various forms of husbandry


IT.NRW statistics