
Bückeburg (dpa / lni) - The Lower Saxony State Court ruled on Tuesday (10.30 a.m.) whether the state government informed the opposition sufficiently about regulations at the beginning of the Corona crisis.

The opposition has sued because they found their desire to control government action and a say by parliament at the start of the pandemic carelessly pushed aside.

The government gave way in early summer: When the opposition demanded an urgent decision from the court, they changed their practice and since then has been informing the state parliament in advance about the content of changes to the Corona ordinances.

There are also regular special sessions of the state parliament on corona policy.

However, she still expressly does not see an obligation to do so - which is precisely why the Greens and FDP stuck to their lawsuit.

They demand clarification from the court in Bückeburg that there is an obligation to provide information.

It cannot be that the government decides at its own discretion about the involvement of the state parliament, is the allegation.


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PM State Court