
Baden-Württemberg's Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) campaigned for a black-green coalition after the federal election in September.

In the ZDF “Morgenmagazin” on Tuesday, when asked whether he could recommend an alliance with the Union, Kretschmann said: “Yes.” It is not the worst thing when two parties from different camps come together in these times to deal with major political problems how to tackle the corona and climate crisis.

"The fight against climate change will not be a piece of cake," said the head of a green-black coalition in the southwest.

According to surveys, the CDU / CSU and the Greens could form an alliance in the federal government for the first time after the federal election.

A few days before the state elections in Baden-Württemberg on Sunday, the Greens can, according to surveys, expect to be clearly the strongest force before the CDU.

Kretschmann has not yet decided with whom he would like to rule in the event of a victory.


On Monday evening he answered yes to the question of whether a possible traffic light with the SPD and FDP would be an experiment.

“But they already exist.

You can also find out how things are going, ”he said in the speech duel with CDU top candidate Susanne Eisenmann, which was organized by the“ Stuttgarter Zeitung ”.

Above all, however, it is important that he needs a stable and reliable government, especially in these times.

According to a ZDF survey last Friday, other constellations than green-black and a traffic light are within reach.

So it could possibly also be enough for a reissue of Green-Red or even for an alliance of the Greens and the FDP.