
Bremerhaven (dpa / lni) - Two people were injured in an illegal road race between two cars in Bremerhaven.

The two cars sped into town and other drivers were harassed, the police said on Monday.

One of the drivers lost control of his vehicle in a slight curve on a wet road on Sunday evening.

The car skidded over the sidewalk and bike path and came to a stop after 30 meters at a light pole.

The 19-year-old novice driver at the wheel of the completely destroyed car was injured and was taken to the hospital.

His one year younger co-driver was slightly injured.

The police closed the scene of the accident, and after the rescue and cleaning work, the road was finally released.

The driver's licenses of the 19-year-old and the 29-year-old driver of the other car were seized.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210308-99-733888 / 2


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