
Kiel (dpa / lno) - The sales of the larger industrial companies in Schleswig-Holstein fell by 5.5 percent to 31.3 billion euros last year.

In the wake of the Corona crisis, this was the lowest annual volume since 2010 (28.8 billion), as the North Statistics Office announced on Monday.

While the losses in the first (minus 1.1 percent) and last quarters (minus 1.8 percent) were moderate, sales fell significantly in the second (minus 9.7 percent) and third quarters (minus 9.5 percent) .

The statistical office attributed the improved situation in the fourth quarter to the renewed increase in foreign business with countries outside the euro zone.

At 41 percent, the export quota was slightly above the previous year's figure (40 percent).

The statistics covered 551 companies with at least 50 employees each.

The biggest loss in sales among the leading industries was with mineral oil processing with minus 39.4 percent.

In the electrical engineering (minus 27.3 percent) and metal industries (minus 13.6 percent), sales also fell at an above-average rate.

Medical technology and shipbuilding, on the other hand, increased.


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