
Erfurt (dpa / th) - After the deputy DGB district chairman in Hesse-Thuringia, Sandro Witt, announced his resignation at the end of the year, Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow (left) thanked him.

"Thank you Sandro for the good cooperation and for the courageous step to clear the way for a colleague on March 8th, of all places!" Wrote Ramelow on Monday on Twitter.

Witt, who has been the state representative in the Hesse-Thuringia district of the German Trade Union Federation (DGB) since 2014, had previously announced that he would no longer apply for the office of deputy chairman in December.

It would be "time for a successor," he wrote on the eve of International Women's Day.

Several media had previously reported on Witt's planned departure.

His withdrawal after eight years was a long considered step and offered the unions "the opportunity to elect a quoted executive board," said the 39-year-old.

He will remain in office until December 4th.

The trained office clerk was previously, among other things, deputy head of the Left in Thuringia.


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DGB to Sandro Witt