
Erfurt (dpa / th) - In order to weaken the negative consequences of the pandemic, especially for culture, Thuringia's minister of culture has brought a wealth tax into play.

Income from this could be used to support the cultural areas, said the left-wing politician Benjamin-Immanuel Hoff in the "MDR Thuringia Culture Night".

"There are a lot of winners in this crisis and there are unbelievably many winners of this crisis who have become rich," said Hoff in the program broadcast on Sunday evening.

There was a need to talk about changing something in the area of ​​financial distribution and taxes.

For the left, a wealth tax should also play a role in the election campaign, according to the new co-chair of the federal party, Thuringian Susanne Hennig-Wellsow.

In connection with combating the consequences of the Corona crisis, Anja Piel from the board of the German Trade Union Federation (DGB) recently said that the time was ripe for it.

There is no general wealth tax in Germany.

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