
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - After a lockdown of over four months, the state museums and exhibition houses in Hamburg will reopen on Friday.

More private houses would join, the Senate announced on Monday.

A prerequisite for a visit is an appointment.

The appointments could be reserved by phone or online from Thursday.

According to the information, two special exhibitions will be on view again from Tuesday in the Kunsthalle.

According to the decision by the federal and state governments to gradually relax the corona measures, the Hamburg museums and exhibitions could already have opened on Monday - in addition to making appointments, a hygiene concept and the possibility of tracking contacts are required.

"It is right and responsible that culture is part of the first steps in opening," said Senator for Culture Carsten Brosda (SPD).

"With their tried and tested hygiene concepts, spacious rooms and good ventilation systems, the museums offer the best conditions for a safe cultural experience."


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