
Nuremberg (dpa / lby) - Although a customer has passed on her access data for online banking to her husband, the bank has to compensate for a fraud.

The Nuremberg-Fürth district court said on Monday that the danger of an attack did not increase when the pin was passed on to one's own husband.

The plaintiff had entrusted the management of the account to her husband without informing the bank.

Almost 26,000 euros were debited from the account in May 2019 - neither the wife nor her husband had authorized the transaction.

The plaintiff asked for the money back, but the bank did not want to pay and demanded compensation for the transfer of data.

The woman is entitled to almost 26,000 euros, the court has now ruled.

An attack on her husband's cell phone is no more likely than on her own cell phone.

You also don't have to pay any damages to the bank.


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