The Center Party's party leader Annie Lööf advocated in tonight's Agenda a closure of activities where infection can be spread, such as shopping centers, restaurants and gyms, for a limited period of about two to three weeks.

- We see that we are in a third wave, so that it does not develop into a tsunami and become completely uncontrollable, you have to take tough measures early, says Annie Lööf.

"Time for proper restrictions"

Professor of Virology Fredrik Elgh agrees with the Center Leader:

- It is now time for a shorter period of proper restrictions to reduce the spread of infection to a more manageable level.

You can keep the levels down by testing a lot, if you start the antigen tests that we should have, if we use mouth guards in the way you do in other countries, says Fredrik Elgh.

State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell is of a different opinion.

The restrictions that are gradually being added to the national guidelines are the right way to go, he says in tonight's Agenda.

-– You have to think very carefully before all measures and try to find the measures that you can take that have as great an effect as possible with as few negative consequences as possible, says Anders Tegnell.

Shutdown not possible

Closing society completely would have very negative effects, and not even be feasible in Sweden, he says.

He also saw the demands from Annie Lööf (C) and Fredrik Elgh for a limited period of stricter restrictions, with the justification that the vaccine effect will not be clear until this summer.

- Now there are many who say that we should shut down completely for a few weeks without knowing what effect it will have.

But we know for sure that in a few weeks we will have no amount of vaccine that can stop the spread of infection.

We do not have those levels of vaccine until May, June and we may not expect to have any real effect on the spread of infection until, probably June-July, says state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell.