
Schwerin (dpa / mv) - Corona rapid tests are initially only possible to a limited extent in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in the coming week.

"Talks are currently underway with the Pharmacists' Association and the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians as to how this should be implemented in our country," said Health Minister Harry Glawe (CDU) on Sunday when asked by the dpa.

A ministry spokesman said that these tests are currently possible in around ten percent of the country's 400 pharmacies.

The federal and state governments had agreed that all citizens should be offered such a test free of charge at least once a week, for example in pharmacies or vaccination centers.

A negative corona test is a prerequisite for some relaxation steps in order to be able to use services such as cosmetics.

In the north-east, this obligation should only apply from March 15, and not from Monday, due to the still scarce tests.

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