
Mexico City (AP) - Before the planned protests on International Women's Day, activists described a long fence in front of the presidential palace in Mexico City with the names of murdered women.

Above the name, written in white on the black fence, was written on Sunday “Victim of femicides”.

Most of the action in front of the more than 200-meter-long facade of the official seat and residence of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador happened during the night.

The background to this is growing anger about López Obrador's handling of women's concerns.

Most recently, the left-wing populist refused to withdraw the candidacy of his party colleague Félix Salgado for governor in the state of Guerrero after several allegations of sexual violence against him came to light.

López Obrador repeatedly claims that his conservative political opponents used feminist movements to attack him.


The erection of the fence in front of the presidential palace also caused anger because, from the point of view of many, it shows that the government of López Obrador regards women as opponents.

Presidential spokesman Jesús Ramírez earned anger and ridicule when he described the barriers as the "wall of peace" on Twitter on Saturday.

In Mexico, which has been plagued by violence related to the so-called drug war for many years, there are an average of almost 100 murders a day - in Germany there were a total of 245 in 2019. Around ten of the daily murder victims in Mexico are women.

Last year, the government of the North American country counted 966 femicides - that is, murders of women because of their gender.

On International Women's Day on Monday, violent protests are expected, especially in the capital.

On March 8th, according to police, around 80,000 women demonstrated in front of the presidential palace.

In addition, feminist organizations are planning a national women's strike on March 9th for the second year in a row.


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Video of the action