Japan's right-wing forces have set out in public opinion to protect the Harvard Law School professor Mark Ramsayer, who distorted Japanese military comfort women victims into prostitutes.

Netwooik of Japan, who is active in the Internet space such as Twitter, launched a campaign to send a thank-you postcard to Harvard President Lawrence Baccau.

President Baekau expressed his appreciation for this when he said,'There is no problem because the arguments contained in Professor Ramsey's thesis correspond to academic freedom.'

They also share the email address of John Manning Law School dean, encouraging them to send a thank-you message.

The Japanese right wing's appearance in public opinion seems to reflect a sense of crisis as the criticism of Professor Ramsey's thesis spread rapidly.

The Japanese right also launched a retaliatory attack against scholars who criticized Professor Ramsey's thesis.

The Japanese right wing is sending an email to the university demanding discipline from Northwestern University professor Amy Stanley, who has publicly criticized Ramsey's thesis.

Professor Stanley had requested the withdrawal of his thesis from the International Review of Law and Economics, which foretold Ramsay's thesis.

The Japanese right wing has heard as a disciplinary reason that Professor Stanley in the past despised Japan and made discriminatory remarks against the Japanese.

In the process of sending complaint emails as a group to scholars criticizing Professor Ramsey, some Japanese right-wingers were found to contain life-threatening and even violent content.

In addition, Professor Ramsey is also known to actively communicate with the Japanese right wing.

A Japanese right-winger also announced that Ramsey had sent a "absolutely no" reply to Professor Seok Ji-young's New Yorker's contribution to Harvard Law School Professor Ji-young Seok, who complained that he had conceded a mistake in the thesis writing process.

Professor Ramsey said in a right-wing e-mail asking for confirmation of the media report, "There was only a mistake in citing the book, and it has nothing to do with the comfort women issue."

Japanese right-wingers even posted certification shots saying they received a reply from Professor Ramsay saying "I will do my best".

(Photo = Twitter capture, Yonhap News)