(Interview between the two sessions) How to solve the dilemma of senior care service management talents?

NPC deputies: targeted training is the key

  Chinanews.com, Beijing, March 6th, title: How to solve the dilemma of senior care service management talents?

NPC deputies: targeted training is the key

  Author Yuan Rujing

  "Promote the targeted training of elderly service talents at the national level, adopt fixed-point enrollment, targeted training, and guarantee employment methods, and cultivate practical and compound types who love elderly care, root in the grassroots, and possess basic theories and skills in elderly care services and the management of elderly care institutions. Talent." During the 2021 National People’s Congress, Liu Jinjie, deputy to the National People’s Congress and Director of the Civil Affairs Department of Jiangxi Province, said in an interview with a reporter from Chinanews.com.

  At present, China is the country with the largest elderly population in the world today.

As a representative of the National People's Congress in the field of civil affairs, Liu Jinjie believes that the oriented training of senior care service management talents is imminent.

  Official data show that at the end of 2019, China had 254 million people aged 60 and over, and it is expected to exceed 300 million by 2025.

With the development of aging, empty nesting, and disability, there are more and more elderly people in need of care, but there are only 370,000 employees, of which only more than 200,000 caregivers.

  "The shortage of professional management talents for elderly care services has seriously restricted the high-quality development of the elderly care services industry." Liu Jinjie said.

  According to preliminary estimates, there are about 95,000 elderly service management talents in the country according to the preliminary calculations of 1 county-level civil affairs department, 1 elderly service center (welfare home), 1 township elderly service center, 1 nursing home, and 1 private nursing home.

  In this regard, Liu Jin suggested that starting from the "14th Five-Year Plan", about 10,000 senior care service management talents should be trained every year, and a total of about 60,000 people should be trained.

The targeted training plan can be declared by localities according to actual needs, or be coordinated at the national level, and decomposed to various provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities, which are responsible for the specific implementation.

In actual operation, some provinces can be selected first to carry out pilot projects for oriented training of senior care service management talents.

  According to statistics, there are more than 110 colleges and universities of different levels in China offering senior service and management majors.

Liu Jinjie noticed that due to the current low level of profitability in the elderly care industry and low wages, some colleges and universities face practical difficulties in enrolling students in elderly care services and management. The proportion is large.

  Liu Jin suggested that during the period of study in the school, the targeted training students can enjoy the tuition and accommodation subsidy within the prescribed school system, and provide certain living allowances, and the funding should be borne by the finances.

Oriented training students also enjoy the same awards, grants, and loan policies for college students.

  In addition, he also suggested that after graduation, students who need to return to their original places according to the agreement can arrange for county-level civil affairs departments, elderly service centers, public nursing homes (welfare homes, township nursing homes), etc. Enjoy the corresponding treatment according to the regulations; for those who are targeted to work in private pension institutions, the private pension institutions shall implement wages, benefits and social security in accordance with the staff of no less than the previous category.
