
Kiel (dpa / lno) - State politicians from Schleswig-Holstein criticized setbacks in equality between men and women on International Women's Day on March 8 and called for more women in management positions.

The corona crisis reveals such setbacks, said the SPD state chairman Serpil Midyatli on Friday the German press agency.

Homeschooling, a lack of childcare and more domestic violence affected women in particular.

"They are the losers of the pandemic."

The proportion of women in management positions in the country’s administrations is far too low at 20 to 30 percent, said Midyatli.

«Appeals hardly help.

That is why we want a mentoring program for more women at the top. "

This will be part of the state election program.

In a new resolution of the SPD state executive on equality it says: "We want to overcome the existing wage gap between women and men and are committed at the federal level for more general binding of collective agreements, especially in the social, health and service professions".

The goals also include a law on parity in all political bodies.


Equal rights are still far from being achieved, said CDU state parliamentary group deputy Katja Rathje-Hoffmann.

In the Corona crisis, the role model of women, which was already dusty, was reinforced again.

There is no shortage of competent women for management positions, said FDP parliamentary group vice Anita Klahn.

Well-established structures made it difficult to reconcile management tasks and family.

In the pandemic, mothers in particular were retiring from work.

The social association demanded a concept from politics with which schools and daycare centers remain permanently and reliably open.

In other countries, every child is tested for Corona twice a week free of charge.

That must also be possible here.

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