
Leipzig (dpa / sn) - In the process of hiding the weapons of a soldier from the Special Forces Command (KSK) from Saxony, former comrades of the defendant are heard as witnesses today (9:00 a.m.).

These should provide information on the handling of weapons and ammunition, as a spokesman for the Leipzig Regional Court announced.

During a search of the 46-year-old defendant's property in Collm (Northern Saxony district) last May, the investigators discovered, among other things, two kilograms of professional explosives.

In addition, the elite soldier had buried several thousand pieces of rifle and pistol ammunition, an AK47 assault rifle, a crossbow, a smoke hand grenade as well as firearms and weapon parts in the garden.

He has to answer for violations of the War Weapons Control Act, the Weapons Act and the Explosives Act.

The elite soldier had admitted the deeds at the start of the trial.

However, after a review, he assumed that the material was not usable.

An explosives expert from the police had described it as operational.

An expert could have done massive damage with the explosives and detonators, the expert had stated.


The case has now become politically explosive after it became known that the elite soldiers were able to hoard or possibly hand in stolen ammunition from March to May of last year without the threat of any consequences.

Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) is examining judicial disciplinary proceedings against the commander because of the irregularities in the handling of ammunition at the Special Forces Command (KSK).

Kramp-Karrenbauer said in the Bundestag Defense Committee in the middle of the week that he had stated that he had independently ordered the ammunition collection campaign on April 1, 2020.

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