
Berlin / Munich (dpa) - CSU boss Markus Söder has spoken out in favor of expelling the Hungarian ruling party Fidesz from the association of the Christian Democratic European People's Party (EPP).

In the dispute with the party of the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, it now needs "a clear line and a clear course," said Söder of the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" (SZ / Saturday).

You have to "draw a line without resentment".

The Bavarian Prime Minister reacted with his demand to Orban's announcement that the right-wing forces in Europe wanted to rally around himself.

With this, Fidesz "finally said goodbye to the EPP and its Christian Democratic values ​​and foundations," said Söder.

Fidesz's membership in the EPP, which also includes the CDU and CSU, is currently suspended.

"We must not extend the suspension indefinitely, but have to go our separate ways as parties," said Söder in the SZ.

Before Orban's announcement that a new European right would be formed, Fidesz had announced that it would leave the EPP group in the European Parliament.

This marked the end of a year-long dispute.

In the EPP, the dismantling of democracy and the rule of law in Hungary met with criticism, as did Orban's campaigns against EPP politicians who displeased him.


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