Invited from Europe Soir when his new work, "A world without a prophet" is released, Marek Halter discusses the role of prophets with kings, and by extension politicians.

According to the writer, they help to counteract a natural tendency of leaders to authority, and are essential to allow them to improve and stay in history. 


Essential people for politicians.

In his book "A World Without Prophets", writer Marek Halter examines the concept of a prophet.

An idea that dates back to "1030 BC with Judge Samuel": while the people of Israel wish to have a king, the latter explains to them that "without control, he will become totalitarian", he tells the microphone. 'Europe 1. The judge finally accedes to their request but sets up a counter-power: the prophet.

Far from the idea of ​​the religious, "a prophet is a man who cries. The word is also pronounced 


in Hebrew, and is a derivative of the Akkadian


, the cry."

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The prophet, "a man who cries out" and who defends the interests of the people

The prophet is therefore "a man who cries", but also "a person who must be sincere, without political ambition, who loves justice", and who brings to the ears of the king the interests of the people, specifies Marek Halter.

For the writer, Jaurès, Zola, Voltaire, but also Mandela and Abbé Pierre are prophets.

Moreover "when he is invited to the radio [during his call of February 1, 1954, editor's note], Father Pierre utters a cry, because people are dying and we have to act. That's the job. of the prophet is to wake people up. "

And it is because they shake things up, point out problems, and oppose a natural tyrannical drift that the prophets will ultimately push kings to be better.

An idea that is also declined under the Fifth Republic, according to the writer, since "the politicians who are lucky to have a major prophet in front of them remain in history, and those who have no one will stay there ". 


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Emmanuel Macron has no prophet

Does Emmanuel Macron have at his disposal a person capable of playing this role?

"Not at the moment", answers Marek Halter.

But to find out if the current head of state will go down in history, and if Marek Halter's theory is correct, time must be given time to write history.