
Greifswald (dpa / mv) - The city of Greifswald participates in a sponsorship for the sea rescue ship "Sea-Eye 4".

The city council announced on Friday that the city council had approved a proposal by Mayor Stefan Fassbinder (Greens).

"Above all, our Hanseatic tradition dictates that we do not just watch people die on the high seas," Fassbinder is quoted as saying.

As part of the temporary sponsorship, the city will subsidize the ship with 2000 euros each in 2021 and 2022.

In addition, city facilities can be visited on board during lay times - and the Sea-Eye organization based in Regensburg provides educational services.

Sea-Eye is a civil aid organization that was founded in 2015 to rescue people from distress on escape routes in the Mediterranean Sea.

Greifswald had already joined the municipal alliance “Cities of Safe Haven” in 2018, which shows solidarity with the civilian sea rescue of refugees in the Mediterranean.


The "Sea-Eye 4" was named the fourth ship of Sea-Eye last weekend in Rostock.

According to the initiators, it should start its use in the Mediterranean in the spring.

Since October it has been converted into a rescue ship by hundreds of volunteers.

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