
Hanover / Oldenburg (dpa / lni) - After the loss of weapons, officers of a special task force (SEK) are investigated.

The State Criminal Police Office initiated disciplinary proceedings against four SEK officials, a spokeswoman for the authority in Hanover announced on Friday.

The officers apparently violated national police regulations on the handling and storage of firearms.

The officials were transferred to other areas, but not suspended.

The Hanover Police Department had been charged with investigating the officers and unknown persons for possible violations of the Criminal Code and the Weapons Act.

The more detailed circumstances of the loss - the exact time, the exact place, the course of the loss - are currently not known and are the subject of investigations.

The NDR had previously reported on it.

According to the report, the incident occurred last Friday in Schleswig-Holstein during a maritime exercise organized by a private security company.

The participants included SEK officials from Oldenburg, who are subordinate to the State Criminal Police Office.

According to NDR, two pistols and 90 rounds of live ammunition have disappeared.

After returning to Oldenburg, the weapons had disappeared.

State police president Axel Brockmann informed the state parliament's interior committee in a confidential meeting on Thursday.


So far, it is unclear whether the weapons were deliberately captured or whether they were embezzled after being lost, the LKA spokeswoman said.

"In all cases in which unauthorized persons handle firearms and associated ammunition, there is a considerable potential risk," she emphasized.

Therefore, the whereabouts should be clarified as soon as possible.

The domestic political spokeswoman for the Greens in the state parliament, Susanne Menge, said that connections between officials in right-wing networks must now also be checked: "The idea that police weapons and ammunition appear in right-wing terrorist groups is unbearable."

In 2019, the police station in Celle noticed the lack of a submachine gun.

A pistol with ammunition was permanently lost in the Hameln / Pyrmont area in 2016.

The year before, a pistol and ammunition were lost in Hanover and at the Salzgitter / Peine / Wolfenbüttel inspection.


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NDR report