
Berlin (dpa) - A basic legal framework is to come for new mobility offers in cities and rural regions, which passengers can mostly book digitally.

This provides for a reform of the taxi and shuttle service market, which the Bundestag decided with the votes of the grand coalition and the Greens.

The plans of Transport Minister Andreas Scheuer (CSU) should enable regular offers, for example with small buses or vans, in which several passengers share a car.

So far, they have been on the basis of exception rules.


Classic taxi providers and publicly financed buses and trains are to be protected at the same time.

For this purpose, specifications are provided for new travel service providers such as Uber, which can be made by municipalities.

The Federal Council must also approve the legislative plans.

Scheuer spoke of a compromise for an “innovation-friendly legal framework” in which every provider has a place.

Speakers from AfD, Left and FDP criticized the plans sharply.

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Overview of the Ministry of Transport on new regulations