
Hanover / Kiel (dpa) - Lower Saxony's Environment Minister Olaf Lies (SPD) wants to close a regulatory gap on kitesurfing in the Wadden Sea and is now looking to talk to water sports enthusiasts.

Because after a decision of the Higher Administrative Court (OVG) Lüneburg, the previous state regulation, which allowed kitesurfing only in certain zones of the protected national park, is invalid.

According to this, only a federal regulation is possible, but this is still pending.

"We therefore need an acceptable compromise for both sides until the federal government fulfills its obligation and changes the navigation ordinance for federal waterways," said Lies of the German press agency.

In a conversation with kite surfers and representatives of water sports associations this Thursday, such a compromise should be sought.

"A clever, voluntary balance of interests, in which you carefully define zones in which kiting is possible without endangering the protection goals of the Wadden Sea National Park," said Lies.

It is not about banning kitesurfing across the board in favor of nature conservation.

In Schleswig-Holstein, the state, municipalities, nature conservationists, tourism experts and water sports enthusiasts already negotiated a similar compromise in 2017.

There 22 areas in the Wadden Sea were found where kitesurfing is supposed to be allowed.

The regulations are still voluntary, but they are intended to serve as the basis for the amended federal traffic regulations.

Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony and Hamburg submitted a proposal to the Federal Ministry of Transport in 2017.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210304-99-680951 / 2

OVG press release

National park announcement from 15.12.

to the OVG decision


Read about kitesurfing on Facebook

Driving Ordinance (NPNordSBefV)

Traffic regulations in certain nature reserves in the Baltic Sea area in SH


Small request from the FDP parliamentary group and response from the federal government on the subject

Land SH for kitesurfing on the North and Baltic Seas