
Wiesbaden (dpa / lhe) - Similar to other branches of the economy, the Hessian hospitality industry has reacted to the Corona resolutions with fierce criticism.

"The only tangible prospect is that our operations will be closed for a total of seven months on March 28, 2021," said Gerald Kink, President of the Dehoga industry association, on Thursday in Wiesbaden.

The association accused the Prime Minister of the Conference of “lack of concept” and called for a concrete opening plan.

In view of the sluggish disbursement of economic aid and the "serious shortcoming that in the context of this aid under no circumstances an entrepreneur's wage is compensated", not only the perseverance, but above all the financial means are largely used up, so Klink.

“Nobody expected a quick opening overnight”, but the industry expects the demonstration of feasible ways, for example through the precise use of recognized rapid or self-tests, the recognition of protection concepts and a much more effective implementation of the national vaccination strategy.

It is incomprehensible that “the government enables more private contacts on the one hand, while at the same time our operations with strict hygiene concepts remain closed”, said Klink.

Outside catering is expected to open more quickly, and this, too, can only be a small first step.


The lockdown to fight the corona pandemic in Germany will be extended to March 28 in view of the continued high number of infections.

However, depending on the infection, there should be many opening options.

In addition to appointment shopping offers in retail, according to the resolutions of the federal-state switchboard, museums, galleries, zoos, botanical gardens and memorials should then be allowed to open to visitors who book an appointment.

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