
Ulm (dpa / lsw) - Ulm was the first city in the southwest to start the on-site vaccination campaign for people over 80.

Around 90 residents over 80 with restricted mobility would receive a corona vaccination on Thursday in the community center on Eselsberg, said a spokeswoman for the city.

The city of Ulm is part of a pilot project by the Ministry of Social Affairs, which in the future wants to enable local authorities across the country to offer vaccinations on site.

The vaccination campaign is intended to shorten the way to the vaccination, especially for the disabled and elderly people with other disabilities.

The vaccine is provided by the country, vaccination is carried out by the mobile vaccination teams of the vaccination centers.

The city of Ulm has written to all residents over 80 years of age in the Eselsberg district for the vaccination campaign.

The approximately 800 people were then able to register with the city for the vaccination on site.

If necessary, there will also be a transport service in Ulm for the way to the vaccination on site.

The vaccination campaign is to be gradually expanded to other parts of the city.

According to the ministry, the on-site vaccinations should only be temporary.

The vaccinations in the nursing homes as well as in assisted living have priority.

According to the ministry, the municipalities in which the on-site vaccination campaign will take place depends, among other things, on how far away the nearest vaccination center is and how many potential vaccinations are still outstanding for residents who are entitled to vaccination.

Municipalities can contact the Ministry of Social Affairs to participate in the on-site vaccination campaign.


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Communication from the Ministry of Social Affairs

Communication from the city of Ulm