
Münster (dpa / lnw) - The all-weather zoo Münster wants to reopen next Monday.

A visit is only possible with booking a time slot, said a spokesman on Thursday.

The federal and state governments decided on Wednesday that in regions with a seven-day incidence of less than 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, zoos, among others, may reopen with an appointment.

On Monday, the all-weather zoo will only allow visitors who have purchased a ticket at a "silent auction", as the spokesman said.

The bidders submit their bids without knowing the current highest bid.

In the end, the 1000 bidders with the highest bids should receive a ticket.

From Tuesday on, the zoo will be open to visitors who have previously booked a time slot online for admission.

The animal houses are expected to remain closed for the time being.


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