
Greifswald (dpa / mv) - Due to lower corona incidences, the district of Vorpommern-Greifswald wants to lift the entry ban from Friday.

There should also be face-to-face classes again for some school classes, and day-care centers should expand their childcare offer again, as the district announced on Wednesday.

Accordingly, from Friday people from other districts can re-enter the district without any particular reason.

Entry from other federal states is still only permitted with a valid reason, as is nationwide.

According to the information, there should be voluntary classroom teaching for school classes one to six.

Classes should also be given face-to-face classes.

In addition, daycare centers should no longer only offer emergency care.

This means that parents who do not work in systemically relevant professions or are covered by other exceptions can also hand over their children.

Nevertheless, they are encouraged to look after their children at home if possible.

The prerequisite is that Vorpommern-Greifswald falls below a weekly incidence of 150 new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants up to and including Thursday, as district spokesman Achim Froitzheim said.

This would mean that the district would be below 150 for the tenth day in a row, which would invalidate the currently valid general decree.

The information provided by the State Office for Health and Social Affairs in Rostock is decisive.


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