Every day of the week at 8.15 am, Sonia Mabrouk receives a topical guest in the morning of Europe 1.

Thursday, the philosopher and sociologist Jean-Pierre Le Goff answers his questions.

Are we going to move towards a new tightening of sanitary measures?

While a reconfinement the weekend takes place in some regions, and that it could be extended, Jean-Pierre Le Goff, philosopher and sociologist, is the guest of Sonia Mabrouk Thursday at 8:15 in the morning of Europe 1 The author of the essay "The Sick Society: How the Pandemic Affects Us" will answer questions about the crisis we are experiencing and its causes.

Instead of speculating on decisions that have not yet been announced or even arbitrated, I am offering you tomorrow 8:15 am @ Europe1 the enlightening analysis of the sociologist Jean-Pierre Le Goff, author of "La société sick" @EditionsStock Edifying on the crisis that we live and its springs.

- Mabrouk Sonia (@SoMabrouk) March 3, 2021