Police officers in Nice on February 27 to control compliance with the partial confinement established in 63 communes of the Alpes-Maritimes -


The 241 “citizens of the Alpes-Maritimes” who attacked the partial confinement in court will “file an appeal with the Council of State”, their lawyers announced on Wednesday.

An announcement made after the rejection of their appeal earlier today by the Nice Administrative Court.

“The citizen cry has not been heard and confinement is maintained, reacted Mes Zia Oloumi and Xavier Furton.

The public health ogre has devoured individual freedom and no response has been given by the administration or its judge to the legitimate questions of citizens ”, and in particular“ in what way does confinement at weekends save lives ?


Still in effect for the coming weekend

The three summary judges of the Nice Administrative Court “considered that the measures taken by the Prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes for the sole purpose of combating the spread of the coronavirus should be regarded, in this case, as necessary, proportionate and adapted to local circumstances ”.

This partial confinement over two weekends, February 27 and 28 and March 6 and 7, hitherto unheard of in mainland France, was announced on February 22 after a visit to Nice by the Minister of Health.

Faced with a surge in the number of cases of Covid-19, Olivier Véran had asked the prefect to "continue consultation with elected officials" with a view to "additional measures".


Incidence rate, hospitalizations, vaccinations ... Where are we in the Alpes-Maritimes?


For justice, the measure applied on weekends in the Alpes-Maritimes is legal

  • Covid 19

  • Board of state

  • Coronavirus

  • Confinement

  • Nice

  • Justice