
Berlin (dpa) - Berlin's Governing Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) has called for the involvement of resident doctors in vaccinating against the corona virus.

«We also need the general practitioners.

We also need the medical practices that will support us in the future, ”said the incumbent chairman of the Prime Minister's Conference shortly before the new federal and state consultations on Wednesday in the ARD“ Morgenmagazin ”.

He could not understand why there was no communication with the resident doctors for a long time.

Müller said he expected Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) this Wednesday at the federal-state conference on the agreements with doctors "hard statements that we can use as a guide".

"Now we have to see that we can use a sense of proportion to formulate a way in which you can restore normality and still accompany you all the way with safety measures."

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Interviews in the ARD "Morgenmagazin"