
Magdeburg (dpa) - Saxony-Anhalt's Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff has spoken out in favor of the use of the Russian corona vaccine Sputnik V in Germany.

"We should do everything possible to accelerate vaccination in Germany," said the CDU politician to the newspapers of the Funke media group (Wednesday).

However, the vaccine Sputnik V would first have to be approved for use by the European Medicines Agency;

this approval is still pending.

One should talk about possible vaccine deliveries with Russia, Haseloff said.

In the east of Germany they have a long experience with Russian vaccines.

"We have no problem with Sputnik V. I was vaccinated successfully against polio as a child with a Russian preparation (...) I would be vaccinated with Sputnik V at any time," he said.

However, he would not be vaccinated early and in a publicly effective way.

In such a situation, politicians should think of themselves last.

Russia had already approved the Sputnik V vaccine last summer, although important tests had not yet been carried out by then.

At the beginning of February, the medical journal “The Lancet” published data on the vaccine's effectiveness.

According to Russian sources, the vaccine has now been registered in more than 30 countries.


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