
Berlin (dpa / bb) - The Green politician Benedikt Lux has called for additional compensation to be paid out to Berlin police officers for polluted shooting ranges.

The parliament has provided around three million euros for 2020 and 2021, said the interior expert of the Greens in the House of Representatives on Wednesday.

As far as he knows, no euro has yet flowed.

Those injured at shooting ranges should not be delayed any longer.

The rbb reported first.

According to a study by the Charité, there was no demonstrable connection between work in ailing shooting ranges and illnesses in the year-long affair surrounding the Berlin police's polluted shooting ranges.

Nevertheless, Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) set up a compensation fund.

An evaluation committee then regulated the distribution of the money.

According to information from January 2019, around 490 shooting coaches and members of special task forces were compensated with a total of 3.3 million euros.

Almost 300 applications were rejected.


Affected trainers and police officers had spent a lot of time in the shooting ranges and criticized that the air there was harmful or poisonous.

This is said to have been due to powder vapor in the air, poor ventilation systems and asbestos in insulation materials.

Above all, cases of police officers with "plausible acute complaints" when shooting and afterwards such as burning eyes, irritation of the throat, shortness of breath, skin irritation were recognized.

But there were also more serious cases.

According to the rbb, around 200 applicants had objected to the decisions of the evaluation committee.

In the meantime, new facilities for shooting training are being built.

This year the third modern center of this kind is to be opened.

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