
Berlin (dpa / bb) - More than 3,600 Berlin students have received financial support for the acquisition of technology due to the corona.

The funds come from the technology fund set up at the end of April 2020 on the initiative of the State of Berlin and the Studierendenwerk, as the Berlin Senate Chancellery announced on Wednesday.

A grant of 200 or 500 euros can be applied for, among other things, for a laptop, software or fast internet access.

700 applications have been approved last year and 2900 since the beginning of January.

Hundreds of other applications are currently being processed.

“The corona pandemic also poses major challenges for many students.

Not all of them can afford the technical equipment that is necessary for a digital degree.

And we as a society cannot afford to have these young people drop out of their studies because of this, ”said Berlin's Governing Mayor Michael Müller (SPD).


Since the summer semester 2020, both studies and teaching at Berlin universities have been largely digital due to the corona pandemic.

According to preliminary figures from the Federal Statistical Office, 197,794 students are enrolled in Berlin in the current winter semester.

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PM of the Berlin Senate Chancellery