After resignation was Ono Nissi, who was appointed to the Cabinet spokesman of Makiko Yamada's successor received the appointment from Prime Minister Kan, three days night, depending on the coverage of the reporters,

but I think that tighten only to the "heavy responsibility, he fullest I would like to continue. Prime Minister Suga encouraged me to do my best. I think it is my job to convey the important issues of the Cabinet in an easy-to-understand manner. I have been working in the public relations field for several years. I was allowed to do it, so I want to do it in my own way. "

On the other hand, the reporters asked, "At the Prime Minister's press conference, there were times when the questions were not exhausted, but how do you want to partition?" I'm in the middle, so I'd like to study while listening to various stories. "

In addition, while the reporters asked, "Have you ever violated the ethical code of national civil servants?", "I personally think that I can't remember about dinner with stakeholders. I have. "