The region itself can not decide to implement the agreement but must send an application to Sweden's Municipalities and Regions (SKR).

According to them, the decision must be made quickly.

If you look at previous applications from other regions, it has taken a maximum of one day before the decision is made.

Jenny Olsson, department chair at Vårdförbundet in the county, says that the union wanted an application to be sent in before Christmas.

Health and medical care director Brita Winsa does not agree and says that the assessment then was that it was not relevant, but that an application should now be submitted.

- We have a very tough situation now, says Brita Winsa.

Now the regional councilor Peter Olofsson says that it is time to send in the application for a crisis situation agreement.

- This is not something we do lightly.

It will not affect all operations, but iva and infection, medicine and geriatrics in Skellefteå, says Tommy Svensson acting regional director.