
Magdeburg (dpa) - Saxony-Anhalt's Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff is campaigning for the corona lockdown to be loosened even before the incidence falls below 50.

Politicians must see whether the population still has the necessary discipline and motivation, said the CDU politician in an interview with the Funke media group.

Many are exhausted after the lockdown.

"We should therefore allow more - with strict hygiene measures, tests and vaccination offers."

As an example, he cited training in small groups in a sports club.

Haseloff also said that there had to be prospects for shopping in a clothing store or visiting a museum.

On Wednesday, the heads of government of the federal and state governments will be discussing how the further corona policy should look like.

Until now, it has been the rule that the infection rate should be kept below 50 or even 35 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and week before opening steps are possible.

This so-called 7-day incidence is rising again slightly across Germany.

The 50 is clearly exceeded, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia are even more affected by the corona infection.

He was of the opinion that not everything could be tied to the incidences of 35 and 50, Haseloff said of the Funke media group.

The number of free intensive care beds, progress in vaccination and testing strategy should also be taken into account.

The CDU politician does not expect the federal and state governments to agree on a uniform step-by-step plan for corona easing on Wednesday.

"You can't lump all countries and counties with the same brush."

The infection process is too different for that.

Uniform rules are also not tenable in court.


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