
Schwerin (dpa / mv) - In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, significantly more people than before can get a vaccination against the corona virus in the future.

The cabinet released the Astrazeneca vaccine for people in priority group 2 on Tuesday, as Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) announced in Schwerin afterwards.

Health Minister Harry Glawe (CDU) said that vaccination teams from the districts would come to daycare centers, elementary and special needs schools this week to vaccinate the employees there.

Next week, all under 65-year-olds assigned to priority group two could make vaccination appointments via the nationwide call center.

According to the information, this group includes general practitioners and specialists and their staff, as well as the chronically ill.

The staff in the call center is to be increased.

The demand for the Astrazeneca vaccine in priority group 1 among nurses has so far remained below expectations.

Many vaccine doses were left behind.

The local authorities then called for vaccinations to be made possible for other groups.

Minister Glawe expects another 30,000 doses of the Astrazeneca vaccine in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in the next few days.

100,000 doses are expected from Biontech-Pfizer in March.


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