Working overtime and being criticized, why is the phenomenon of "replacement meeting" bothering the grassroots

  At the grassroots level, it is no surprise that meetings for leaders and colleagues are long gone.

The grassroots cadres of the replacement committee reported that the replacement committee not only took up a lot of time in the grassroots work, disrupted the work plan, but also easily "stepped on thunder", which seriously affected the enthusiasm for work.


The replacement meeting has become a common occurrence

  Xiao Huang works in a propaganda department in a southern province.

For him, it can be said to be a commonplace for him to participate in various types of meetings for the leaders on average 4 times a week, including spiritual civilization practice, food safety, anti-criminal and evil, safe production and other topics.

  The number of meetings on behalf of Xiao Huang is inevitably a little dissatisfied: "The publicity department has a lot of work. Not only do you have to deal with various departments every day, but also the account has to be completed. From time to time, you have to be called to open various meeting."

  The reporter of Banyue Tan found during grass-roots research that it is not uncommon for meetings to be held in place of meetings in the city or in the village.

  Xiao Guo, a selected student from a town in the central part of the country, occasionally goes to the county town to replace the meeting.

"As long as you go to the people and convey the spirit of the meeting after you come back, there is no problem." Xiao Guo said that replacing the meeting has become a common thing, and it is almost the same as helping to send materials and receive documents.

  Xiao Deng, a civil servant in a municipal agency in central China, told Banyue Tan reporters that although it takes a lot of time to hold meetings with colleagues on behalf of leaders, and he sometimes does not understand the content of the meetings, as a newcomer in the workplace, if he often refuses the requests of leaders and colleagues, I can't make it on the face.


After a meeting, overtime was criticized

  According to a survey conducted by the reporter of Banyuetan, although the meeting relieved the awkward situation of no one attending the meeting, and shared the pressure of the leaders and colleagues to attend the meeting, frequent meeting, inadequate preparation for the meeting, or blind meeting for the meeting are often self-defeating and counterproductive.

  —— Delay business affairs and occupy rest time.

"Once I went to a meeting related to budgets and final accounts, it has nothing to do with my major." Xiao Deng said that even if he listened carefully, he couldn't understand it.

But when he later tried to decline a colleague’s request for a substitute meeting on the grounds of “not understanding the content of the meeting”, the colleague replied: “Just listen to it, it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it, everyone doesn’t understand.”

  Xiao Deng told Banyue Tan reporters that sometimes when the leader gets stuck in traffic, he will ask him to help occupy a seat first. As a result, the leader arrived at the scene when the meeting was about to end.

Some unimportant meetings were held on weekends. Others were unwilling to sacrifice their rest time. The youngest Xiao Deng had to reluctantly represent the meeting... "Although the content of the meeting on behalf of the meeting is usually not important, it is not possible to hold a meeting to do B. My main job can only be done by working overtime, and I often don't even have time for a dinner with my family a month." Xiao Deng said.

  -The innocent was sent to live, adding "extraordinary affairs."

"Once, the higher-level department said that the system needed to enter project information, but it did not clarify the specific projects of each town." Huang Wenzhan (pseudonym), the deputy director of a town’s financial office, said that it coincided with the project construction leader taking annual leave. , The person in charge of project funding had to help go to the meeting.

  It was not until the meeting was over that Huang Wenzhan figured out that the meeting involved the drinking water project in the town, which had nothing to do with the work he was in charge of. After the meeting, he planned to transfer the work to the relevant person in charge, but was told, "I did not attend the meeting. If you know how to use the system, you should implement the spirit of the meeting."

Because he participated in a meeting, Huang Wenzhan took a job that was not his own, and he added another half-month class: learning to use the new system, looking for people everywhere for relevant information, entering information...

  ——I am unfamiliar with business and get angry inside and out.

Speaking of the replacement meeting, Xiao Zhang, who works in the office of a certain western municipal party committee, still has lingering fears.

"Some time ago I helped an investigator in a meeting. Before I went there, I thought it was just an ordinary meeting." When Xiao Zhang arrived at the scene, he found that not only the heads of the various departments were present, but the secretaries also attended the meeting. "I was a young man sitting there, glancing at the meeting. It can be seen that he is taking the place of the meeting." It is not open, nor is it not open. Xiao Zhang had to find a corner position and bite the bullet and sit down to listen to the meeting.

  Coincidentally, the secretary not only asked everyone to introduce themselves, but also to speak in conjunction with the work of the unit.

Because it was on behalf of the meeting, Xiao Zhang didn't understand the work of the investigators, so he didn't dare to talk nonsense, so he read according to the materials sent. The secretary became angry at the time, and under all eyes, Xiao Zhang was counted down.

"I didn't know I had to speak beforehand, and I would be scolded when I went to the meeting. It's really not a human being inside or outside.


To reduce the burden on "down", it is necessary to use drugs for "up"

  When talking about substitution meetings, many grassroots cadres said that they are not afraid of being tired or troublesome, but that there are too many unnecessary and meaningless meetings, and most of them are just going through the scene and holding a personal battle.

  "A meeting is equivalent to implementation, and a document is equivalent to being done."

Some grassroots cadres believe that when meetings become the "main business" of cadres, "replacement of meetings" becomes normal.

Xiao Huang said that his leader holds important positions in the propaganda department. He must not only take into account the affairs of the propaganda department, but also serve as deputy directors in multiple departments. Sometimes there are several meetings a day. Domain, but if we go there, there will be conflicts with other meetings. We can only ask our subordinates to help replace the meeting.”

  Xiao Li, who works in the education department of a southern province, believes that the main reason for the large number of replacements is the prevalence of formalism and bureaucracy.

"How many platforms are there at the grassroots level to report? How many materials to submit? How many forms to fill out? Just go to be a party building instructor in a community or village for a few days." Xiao Li said, "After working at the grassroots level, you will understand. The leader is not ignorant of how hard the grassroots is, but he understands that he is pretending to be confused. The purpose is to engage in'performance' and to use formalism to steal and play slippery."

  Some grass-roots cadres reported that in recent years, the "four winds" have achieved considerable results, but the problem of "Wenshanhuihai" has not been fundamentally resolved. Some leaders have started trivial matters "vigorously."

Moreover, the current grass-roots evaluation mechanism is mostly linked to the frequency of meetings and material thickness, which leads to multiple texts and layers of meetings.

  The half-monthly talk reporter's survey found that, in addition to the large number of meetings and frequent meetings, some leading cadres also find someone to do the meeting without special circumstances.

  The grass-roots cadres said that in order to effectively eliminate "replacement meetings", it is necessary to reduce the number of meetings and improve the efficiency of meetings.

At the same time, some leading cadres must eradicate the "meeting dependence syndrome" and abandon the notion that "meetings are equal to implementation" in order to truly liberate the grassroots cadres from the "Wen Shan Hui Hai".

  Source: "Ban Yue Tan" Issue 4, 2021. Original title: "Always on behalf of meetings, "holding live" and "stepping on thunder"

  Half a month to talk about reporters: Lu Hao Zhang Ge