
Celle (dpa / lni) - According to a judgment by the Lower Saxony-Bremen Regional Social Court, an unemployed person cannot plead ignorance of his obligation to notify if he has confirmed receipt of the relevant information sheet.

This was announced by the court on Monday in Celle regarding the judgment of January 25 (Az. L 11 AL 15/19).

The reclamation of unemployment benefits cannot be argued against with ignorance of the obligation to register.

This emerges from the information sheet, the receipt of which every unemployed person confirms with their signature when submitting an application.

This also applies to an online application.

If there is still no notification, the person concerned is acting with gross negligence.

A 44-year-old professional driver from Bremen who became unemployed at Christmas 2016 had sued.

After his personal registration as unemployed, he filed an application for unemployment benefits on the Internet shortly afterwards, according to the court.

He confirmed that he had taken note of the information sheet on his rights and obligations as an unemployed person.

In February 2017, he reportedly took a one-week, unpaid trial work at a logistics company, but did not inform the employment agency.

There was no employment due to unfavorable working hours.

After the agency found out about the trial work, they asked for the unemployment benefit back.

The recovery also affected the subsequent period, so the amount totaled around 5,000 euros.

The man argued that unpaid trial work could not be equated with normal work.

He did not worry about a failure to communicate, and he never received a leaflet according to his memory.


The regional social court confirmed the legal opinion of the federal agency.

Entitlement to unemployment benefit also lapses in the event of an unpaid trial work of at least 15 hours per week because the person concerned is no longer available to the employment agency.

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Judgment of the State Social Court of Lower Saxony-Bremen