
Güstrow / Schwerin (dpa / mv) - Around 150 representatives of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania CDU will meet in Güstrow on Saturday to determine the state lists for the Bundestag and state elections on September 26th.

As a party spokesman said on Monday, they will meet in the large sports and congress hall under pandemic conditions.

It is expected that CDU state chief Michael Sack will be elected to first place on the list for the state election.

Ex-Interior Minister Lorenz Caffier (CDU), who withdrew from politics, held this place in the 2016 election.

Christian Democrats, who already hold important positions in the government or in the state parliament, are expected to be elected to the other places.

The list for the federal elections will also look different at the top than in previous years, as Chancellor Angela Merkel and CDU budget expert Eckhardt Rehberg will no longer run two veterans of the party in the northeast.

Member of the Bundestag Philipp Amthor is the favorite for the top spot.

The Schwerin lawyer and long-time member of the Bundestag Dietrich Monstadt and Simone Borchardt have the best chances of finishing at the top of the list.

She accepted the direct candidacy in the constituency of Karin Strenz, who had not reapplied for this candidacy.


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