Regarding entertainment from a former representative of a major chicken egg production company charged with bribery, Mr. Eda, former administrative vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, had a dinner with former Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Yoshikawa at the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives. It was revealed that he had been invited.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries provided cash to former Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Yoshikawa, and said that he had been entertained by a former representative of a major egg production company who was charged with bribery at home. I decided to dispose of it.

At the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives on the afternoon of March 1, Vice-Minister Eda stated that he had never eaten or drank with other traders and three political affairs such as the minister.

After that, he said, "I was invited by former Minister Yoshikawa to say,'With former Minister of Justice Kawai,' and when I went there, there was a former representative. I knew who he was because he was a major player in the poultry industry. I know I'm a stakeholder, regardless of what I thought so much. "

In addition, the director of the paddy field production bureau, who was punished in the same way as Vice-Minister Eda, said, "Although I have eaten and drank with successive ministers, there is nothing other than the dinner that was the subject of this punishment." Said.