How artificial intelligence affects the public opinion war

  Traditional public opinion wars refer to public opinion wars conducted using traditional media, including newspapers, radio, television, slogans, flyers, posters, literary works, film and television works, etc., as well as traditional styles of public opinion wars conducted using the Internet and new media. .

With the emergence of big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, blockchain and other technologies, especially the comprehensive application of natural language processing, deep learning, neural networks, and advanced algorithms, novel intelligent perception, intelligent response, intelligent decision-making, and intelligent action The equipment came into being, and the intelligent public opinion war was taking shape.

In the future, there will be new boundaries, new games, and new tactics in the battle of public opinion.

  At present, the public opinion war is transitioning from the purely artificial stage to the artificial intelligence stage.

Public opinion warfare in the era of artificial intelligence has an outstanding feature: audience information can be intelligently collected and analyzed by machines, and various information data of public opinion warfare opponents can also be obtained through network detection and deep data analysis; public opinion warfare is real-time The data can be monitored and analyzed at the same time, and the dynamic data of each stage, even the data of the whole network domain and the whole process can also be accurately analyzed, accurately studied and judged, and even accurately predicted.

Therefore, the battle of public opinion will change from the original foggy situation to a new state of relatively accurate preliminary research and judgment, relatively accurate process tracking, relatively reasonable response measures, and relatively scientific effectiveness evaluation.

With the enhancement of computer modeling capabilities, simulation capabilities, and deduction capabilities, the advancement of artificial intelligence technology will also involve politics, economy, society, culture, military, diplomacy and other fields. In the future, intelligent public opinion warfare based on global warfare and multi-domain warfare will be Become the norm.

  In the future public opinion wars, the flames of firearms will ignite at any time, and the confrontation will place more emphasis on rapid perception, rapid analysis, rapid research and judgment, rapid response, and rapid evaluation.

At present, artificial intelligence announcers, writing robots, and network automatic answering robots have been produced. In the future, more unmanned intelligent equipment may appear, which will achieve full-time, all-weather, and full-process participation and existence, and public opinion warfare actions The power to fight against public opinion will not only break through the physical limits of human physical, mental, and intellectual capabilities, but also overcome the weaknesses of human beings that are prone to fatigue and unable to fight for a long time. It can also conduct public opinion games against specific groups at any time.

  As the computability, analysis, modeling, and predictability of public opinion warfare in the intelligent era are significantly enhanced, the strategic and tactical operations of public opinion warfare can also be more accurately grasped and accurately reflected through intelligent systems to achieve specific goals. Tasks such as temptation, target determination, field determination, clear means, issue setting, strength organization, intensity identification, time calculation, early warning reminder, process error correction, and effect evaluation will become more effective.

With the continuous emergence of new visual presentation technologies and analysis tools, both strategic and tactical public opinion warfare can be deduced on the simulation platform. This makes public opinion warfare no longer solely dependent on the subjective feelings of commanders and combatants. Leap into a brand new world that takes into account overall, dynamic, and visual analysis.

The public opinion wars that originally competed for virtual space, social domains, and cognitive domains will increasingly move closer to the battles for living space, technical space, equipment space, and other physical fields, and will merge and penetrate with combat in other fields to form a highly intelligent War of public opinion.

  The highly intelligentization of public opinion warfare will give birth to a large number of intelligent equipment and systems.

From information perception, information storage, to public opinion monitoring, data analysis, to text generation, information distribution, public opinion research and judgment, and finally to news gathering and editing, image analysis, video editing, automatic broadcasting, voice simulation, audio and image fitting, language translation , Intelligence analysis, comprehensive research and judgment, there will be corresponding intelligent equipment.

Human resources will shift from the front-end power of the public opinion war to the back-end power of the public opinion war, from the original focus on the acquisition, editing and generation of low-level information to more focus on back-end management, full-process monitoring, strategic planning, tactical deduction, scientific decision-making, and power In terms of application and other aspects, it focuses on the completion of high-level tasks that must rely on human wisdom, ideology, and emotional values, such as strategic art operations, ethical and moral control, and operation and maintenance management of public opinion and artificial intelligence systems.

  The era of artificial intelligence has come, and we are still in the era of weak artificial intelligence.

With the advancement and development of artificial intelligence technology, the era of strong artificial intelligence and even super artificial intelligence is bound to come.

In the future, artificial intelligence will take on more tasks and play a more important role in public opinion wars, and human resources will develop toward tasks such as cognitive culture and emotional communication, strategic design and planning, and cross-language, cross-cultural, and cross-ideological tasks. Enter a new frontier.

  (Author's unit: College of Arts and Sciences, National University of Defense Technology)