
Leipzig (dpa / sn) - The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) has confirmed the conviction of a former Leipzig senior public prosecutor for making false, unofficial testimony.

The judgment of the Leipzig Regional Court did not show any legal errors, the BGH announced on Monday.

The 5th Criminal Senate in Leipzig therefore rejected the lawyer’s appeal against her sentencing to a fine (Az .: 5 StR 172/20).

The chief public prosecutor headed the department for combating organized crime in Leipzig and took care of drug offenses.

In 2015, she testified as a witness in a large drug trial at the Leipzig Regional Court.

It was about the interrogation of a man from the drug scene.

The lawyer had stated that she had nothing to do with this interrogation.

In fact, the court was convinced that she had taken part in a preliminary meeting.

Dare to make this false statement, the district court had sentenced them to 120 daily rates of 170 euros.

On the other hand, the lawyer had been acquitted of other charges - perversion of justice and thwarting of punishment in office.

She now works as a local judge in Borna.


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