
In the ongoing conflict over the partially occupied house on Rigaer Strasse in Berlin-Friedrichshain, the Senate Interior Administration does not want to accept further delays by the residents and the district run by the Greens.

A fire protection expert from the house owner should get into the house quickly, announced the Senate Administration of Andreas Geisel (SPD) on Monday.

The Senate should instruct the district on Tuesday to oblige residents to tolerate this investigation in their homes as well.

City councilor Florian Schmidt (Greens) wants to prevent the homeowner and his expert from being inspected.

Schmidt announced in the "Tagesspiegel" that the fire protection should now be checked by the district office itself.

In December he had asked the owner to do this.


It is about possible deficiencies in fire protection such as missing escape routes, illegal wall breakthroughs or faulty electrical cables.

The district has known about it for a long time, but did not take action, instead preventing appropriate measures.

The house owner had now announced the investigation of the rooms for March 11th and 12th and communicated it to the residents.

For years, residents from the radical left-wing scene have refused to allow the owner to enter the mostly barricaded house.

A major police operation may be necessary to enforce this.

The radical left had announced resistance.

The partially occupied house in Friedrichshain is one of the last symbols of the left-wing extremist scene in the capital.

There were repeated outbreaks of violence and attacks on police officers on Rigaer Strasse.