
Berlin (dpa) - A few days before new federal-state consultations on the corona pandemic, people's desire for more freedom is growing.

According to a survey, a majority of people would like shops, restaurants, hotels and museums to open in March.

The German District Association calls for a strategy for regional easing.

On Wednesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Prime Ministers of the federal states discussed again.

They are facing increasing pressure to relax the restrictions on the corona lockdown.

At the same time, there are concerns about a third wave of pandemics.

For a few days now, the curves for new infections and the seven-day incidence per 100,000 population have been pointing upwards again.

On Saturday the Robert Koch Institute reported a value of 63.8.

That is far from the 35 target, at which point significant easing should become possible again.

On Monday, at least the hairdressers open nationwide, in some countries also other shops such as garden centers.


In a survey by the Insa opinion research institute for “Bild am Sonntag”, 75 percent were in favor of the shops opening again in March, 17 percent were against.

54 percent of the respondents want restaurants to open in March, 35 percent refused.

In the case of hotels (45 to 37 percent), beauty salons (44 to 32 percent) and museums (42 to 35 percent), those in favor of opening up predominated.

It was different in cinemas and theaters.

Here, 35 percent are for an opening in March, but 46 percent are against.

There were also more opponents than supporters of opening up sports facilities and fitness studios (40 to 41).

The German District Association spoke out in favor of regional opening steps.

Its President Reinhard Sager told “Welt am Sonntag” that the federal and state governments should take a closer look at the local corona situation.

“We cannot wait until the values ​​within a federal state or even in the entire federal area are so low that opening measures can be justified everywhere.

The regional differences are simply too great for that, ”emphasized Sager.

Neighboring municipalities and federal states should coordinate opening steps.

However, it will not be possible to prevent a “certain shopping tourism” in all cases.

In contrast, the German Association of Cities urged caution.

"There can be no comprehensive easing yet," said City Council President Burkhard Jung to the newspapers of the Funke media group.

«We need opening steps that are safeguarded by good protective measures and a suitable test strategy.

But anyone who opens too much and too early is punished by the coronavirus, "warned Jung.

«Open it - but with caution.

Otherwise there is a risk of blind flying into the third wave, ”said Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) of“ Bild am Sonntag ”.


Baden-Württemberg's Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann said on Saturday evening at a panel discussion on the “Badische Neuesten Nachrichten” that he could understand people's impatience.

“The virus just doesn't care whether we are tired or not.

It's just infectious, ”emphasized the Green politician.

Broad testing now opens up the possibility of risking openings.

"And if new mutants don't come, then you can expect that we will crack the pandemic in summer or autumn," said Kretschmann.

The Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer, wants to allow restaurants, museums and shops to open in spring and summer if they carry out quick tests on customers.

"With quick tests, a private organizer or host, regardless of whether they run a restaurant, a shop or a museum, can ensure that their customers are hardly at risk of infection and thus operate their business again," said Dreyer of "Bild am Sonntag".

"This must be done under strict conditions," but it can become a practice in spring and summer. "

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