The UN Human Rights Office said on the 28th that at least 18 people were killed and 30 people were injured as a result of the Myanmar military police's use of force against anti-coup protesters.

The UN Human Rights Office said, "According to the information gathered, at least 18 people were killed and 30 were wounded in various parts of Myanmar today during the day as a result of the use of force by police and military forces," Reuters reported.

No official figures have been made, but it is estimated that more citizens have died in several cities.

The citizens of Myanmar called it'Blood Sunday', saying that the worst bloodshed after the coup occurred, and they appealed for help to the international community by posting pictures and videos of the citizens who were shot one after another on social media.

Myanmar's military government took power in a coup on the 1st for the reason that the civil government did not investigate even though serious irregularities occurred in the general elections in November last year. 

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)