Several municipalities do not have any information on their websites about activities for children and young people on sports leave.

But below you can see the municipalities that have it and click on if you want to know more.

The municipality of Köping

offers covid-secured activities both through its leisure centers and libraries, and also through collaborations with various associations.

For all activities, pre-registration applies and there are limited places available.

In Arboga

, despite the pandemic, the municipality has put together a small program where you can find various activities where you can participate in a corona-safe way.

In Kungsör municipality,

there are also some tips to get on the municipality's website.

The municipality of Hallstahammar

also offers some activities, but the municipality informs on its website that the situation with the pandemic means that the program can not look and have the same scope as usual.

In Sala municipality

, a traditional range of activities for children is not offered as a normal year.

On the website you can still find some activity tips to gild the holiday with.

In Fagersta

, the library will put together loan funds with books in different genres;

detective box or ghost box might suit you?

There are activities near the home

The non-profit organization Frilutfsfrämjandet writes in a press release that many will spend their sports holiday at home, but at the same time suggests activities you can do in the local community.

Some of the tips are an obstacle course outside, to camp even if it is snowing or to walk in the dark in a place you have previously visited in daylight.

- Of course, the sports holiday will be different for many this year, with less social activities and less traveling.

But remember, if there is one thing that many have found back to the past year, it is the possibilities in nature.

Outdoor life has perhaps never been more important than right now, and there are an incredible number of simple but exciting adventures you can engage in near where you live, says Cajsa Rännar, outdoor expert at Friluftsfrämjandet.

If your municipality is not included in this text, they may lack information on their website or get it there after the text was written.